Paula A. Kirman has some nice words about my first poetry collection, White Shirt, on the I Heart Edmonton blog.
“How can I best describe MacFayden’s poetic style? Imagine poetry that is at times gritty and personal, that deals with love and lust and sex and broken relationships, that has a tone of a booze-filled night out before the hangover sets in, almost reminiscent of the beatnik poets from decades past. Now, imagine this kind of poetry written by a woman.
“From short haiku to longer poems, from free verse to internal rhyme, [MacFayden] expresses herself clearly with emotion and introspection. … MacFayden invites the reader into her life where she exposes vulnerability without making anyone feel like they are merely being a voyeur.”
My next book, Kissing Keeps Us Afloat (Frontenac House) drops in September 2014. Stay tuned …
look forward to a real read…sound wonderful 🙂