(revised for november 11, 2011)
why don’t dreams speak english
why do i crave coffee and salt
why can’t two or more lovers
vie for my affection with flowers
sonnets, chocolate, pearls
& boat trips down the seine
why don’t we hold hands anymore
why don’t we give people names to war games
like we do with hurricanes:
peggy sue instead of desert storm,
sam & dave
instead of shock & awe
(it might be hard to take all this fighting seriously
if patriot missiles were called emily
& soldiers were all called sarah)
why don’t we search with flashlights
for kindnesses
instead of with big tanks
for more things to destroy
why are my eyes so red
where have all the flowers gone
who knows where the time goes
does anybody really know what time it is?
why do i eat when i’m not hungry
why don’t i just sleep when i’m too tired to stand
when did i get so naive
when did i first practice to deceive
when did i let myself go
and what the christ happened to our prayer flags?
who’s in charge
who goes first
whose is biggest …
who won
who won
who won, dammit, WHO WON?
what does it matter;
everyone’s still so bloody scared
& can somebody please explain to the virtual jarhead
in the back of the room
the killer irony of lining up to buy a videogame
that lets us make sport of the brutality of war
on the eve of remembrance day?
where’s the love? / that’s your call of duty
where’s the love? / that’s your call of duty
where’s the love? / yes sir, that’s your call of duty
hell, why can’t somebody just invent a peace bomb?
and jesus
if there’s really a wise & loving god,
why does everybody look so fucking sad?
nice post..
Because we all believe in the PuppetMaster rather than the goodness of the soul.