she’s tired

of harper / bush / cheney / afghanistan /
winter / whiners / iraq / iran / china /
heath ledger / heathrow / death row / deadbeats / dieters /
britney / bertuzzi / barrack / hillary /
banks / cellulite / transfats / SUVs /
brand names / bran / brain-dead baristas
who ask if you want room for cream in your coffee
and fill it to the brim anyway / sore feet /
steady eddy & the ghost of king ralph / family values / family guy /
red-puzzle.jpg assholes horking up phlegmballs the size of hamsters
on jasper avenue sidewalks / assholes in general /
football players & movie stars who go into politics /
people who vote for football players and movie stars who go into politics /
radio stations calling themselves joe & bob & earl
as if that gives them some kind of “regular guy” cachet /
gravity / steroids / gluttons / misogynists / pollution /
plagiarists / paris hilton / perez hilton / racism / sexism /
spin doctors / evangelists / terrorists / garage bands /
rudeness / ritalin / bad medicine / bad drivers / bad religion /
bad timing / dampness / zen lite / global-warming naysayers /
global-bullying apologists / computer viruses / fear-mongerers /
pro-lifers who want to kill everybody who disagrees with them /
big oil / big pharma / big war puppets / big noise /
big bad will ferrell movies / facebook /
homophobes who insist they’re not homophobes
because they meant the “stupid” gay, not the “gay” gay /
cologne that smells like insect repellent / fake cheese /
ignorant pet owners who refuse to scoop their dog’s poop /
managers who don’t know how to manage /
girls gone wild / boys gone stupid /
injustice / info-tainment /
guns / polyester / dancing with the has-beens /
roger clemens / auto racing / excess / violence /
raisins /

so very tired.

0 Replies to “she’s tired”

  1. I really like the rhythm and movement of this poem, it feels like a driving rock song. I would love to hear this as spoken poetry. Nice write.

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